Monday 16 May 2011


this is my FIRST BLOG here.:))

This blog aims to give a brief overview of the three major topics included in CC3 which are Endocrinology, Toxicology and Drug Testing.

Endocrinology in its general sense would mean a study of endocrine system. This topic deals with specific secretion of several glands found in various part of the human body. In endocrinology we will be tackling about the importance and function of hormones together with the physiologic and pathophysiologic endocrine disorders in line with this are the normal values principles of clinical diagnosis and treatment. The laboratory tests methods and procedures will be discussed during laboratory.

Toxicology is a broad topic that deals with the study of the interaction of chemical substance with living system and/or the study of any substance that causes harmful effect which are known as poisons. It is included as part of the course subject CC3 mainly because the procedures and methods that are used to evaluate qualitatively and quantitatively the toxins in our body are best suited into this field of practice in medical technology. This topic deals with the routes and exposure to toxins, dose-response relation and the different chemical agents that we regularly encounter even those that are not daily encountered and so as to the exposure to drug abuse and a lot more. We will also be learning about the normal values, clinical significance, effects of toxin and disorders associated with each chemical/harmful substance.

Drug testing is the technical analysis of chemical substance present in human body. Here we will be learning the different methods and procedures in identifying the presence of a specific toxin or drug abuse substance in line with this are the clinical and medical significance. The topic will also include the different specimen samples necessary for a specific test and the importance of doing the drug testing.

I would like to end my first blog by reintroducing to my fellow students the CC-man which I believe will become the central information giver because it summarizes almost everything that can be learned from CC in general. The CC-man comprise of the; head wherein the most common specimen to be used are found; next are the upper left and right limbs wherein the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors are found; the body will tell you about the procedures and methods for a specific test; and lastly the lower left and right limbs wherein information about the normal values and clinical/medical significance are found. Making a CC-man can help us students to easily familiarize us with the important information needed to pass CC. J
CC-man is the MAN.^^